Shinbukan Dojo

Samurai Martial Arts in the heart of Amsterdam

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One Dojo - Multiple Arts

The Shinbukan Dojo is a community of individuals dedicated to the martial arts as a path to integrate body, mind and emotions. Together we seek the extraordinary insights of martial arts to develop physical fitness, an attitude of readiness and calm awareness. Whether you wish to develop a martial body and mind, or just get in shape and train with a great group of people – you are welcome!

You are welcome to join for a trial class to experience it for yourself. For more information on schedule and contact, please visit the website of the specific discipline below.

Shinbukan Disciplines
Shinkendo - Fuujokan


Fuujokan Dojo

Shinkendo is a form of Budo, or Japanese martial arts, created in 1990 by Obata Toshishiro. Mr. Obata studied and mastered many different schools of Budo in Japan, and then came to America to distill what he had learned into a new, complete art. Shinkendo is the real way of the sword.

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Gracie Jiu Jitsu Amsterdam

Gracie Jiu Jitsu

Gracie Jiu Jitsu Amsterdam Dojo

In this dojo, you will learn the 36 core techniques of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Each lesson addresses one standing and one ground self-defense technique, which are further broken down to facilitate the learning process. You can participate in any class without previous experience and, since safety is our number one concern, there is no competitive sparring in this program.

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We are located at:
Van Ostadestraat 155HS,
1073 TK Amsterdam
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